Category: contest

Wonderfold Winner

Wow! I can’t even express how excited I was to see the many wonderful submissions we received this month. Thank you so much to everyone who submitted! Our winner this month through much thought and consideration is Elizabeth Spencer Spragins’ Tanka. Take a look below and remember to check back in for our next edition of #Wonderfold!

I wonder what you see…

#WonderFold is a monthly feature that includes a prompt-based writing challenge on the first Monday of every odd month, followed by the publication of a winning response the first Monday of the next even month. INVITATION: All art grows out of paying attention: in… Continue Reading “I wonder what you see…”

Wonderfold Winner

Our winner this month is the haibun “For Lack of Light” written by Kathleen Cain. We received many wonderful submissions and would love to remind you that if you weren’t picked this time, to be on the lookout for the next #Wonderfold! You never know who will be our next winner!

I wonder what you see…

WonderFold: Inspiration for your next Japanese-form poem & invitation to share

Solstice Series: Winter Submissions Open

Solstice Series: Submit your winter entries of poetry, flash fiction, and mini essay for free.

Wonderfold Winner

Our winner this month is “Self Portrait at Dew Point” written by Joel Gabriel Kempff. As always, thank you to everyone who participated and remember to be on the lookout for the next #Wonderfold!

I wonder what you see…

Wonder Fold : Enter our free, bi-monthly, prompt-based writing contest.

Equinox Series: Submissions Open

To submit haiku, senryu, tanka, and haibun for our 1st Semi-Annual Equinox Series, please fill out the form at the bottom of this post. Autumn 2018 Selections will be made by JS Graustein, Editor in Chief and calligrapher of our haiku collections. The prize?… Continue Reading “Equinox Series: Submissions Open”

I wonder what you see…

INVITATION: All art grows out of paying attention: in sight, sound, scent, taste & touch. You are invited to craft a written response (poetry or prose, 50 words or less) to the image and scene below:

Wonderfold Winner

a response to May’s #Wonderfold Prompt Our winner this month is “Love” written by Jean Holland! Thank you to all who participated and please remember to keep submitting because you never know who our next winner will be! Love ‘ neath nail beds of gardeners… Continue Reading “Wonderfold Winner”