Tag: editor

Find Your George Martin

hand on control panel of a sound-booth

a #WriteLife article by Dan Szczesny

The recent passing of George Martin, the brilliant producer that helped make the Beatles the greatest band of all time, got me thinking about my own beginnings as a writer.

New Submissions Editor

We are excited to announce the addition of a Submissions Editor to the Folded Word team. Barbara Flaherty will be taking over the coordination and review of unsolicited queries, with her goal being to drastically reduce our response time. “As a poet,” she said… Continue Reading “New Submissions Editor”

New Editor in The Fold

We are happy to announce that Mark Ge is our new Managing Editor here at Folded Word.

Moving Up in the World

When I first joined Folded Word in the spring of 2009 as Managing Editor, I never dreamed that a mere two years later I would have overseen the production of multiple books and chapbooks, earned a Literary Publishing Certificate, and participated in a live radio interview. But I have. Which is amazing. But it also means that some back-office changes are due.