Vote for 3Cheers Spring 2010

It’s that time again–time to vote for your favorite PicFic and unFold works. Each quarter the work gets better we at Folded Word enjoy watching the continued development of these ultra-short forms. If you enjoy these poems and stories as much as we do, please take a moment to vote for this quarter’s winners. The voting polls will stay open until 26 June 2010. A week (or so) later, we will post a video that announces and features the winners.

Fiction from PicFic

“Not So Much a Rough Guide” by Jonathan Pinnock

The travel guide was accurate, if a tad unhelpful. “For more  information about Hell,” it said, “see below.”

“(t)here” by Dorothee Lang

She gets up early, her thoughts light and raw. They have coffee. She wonders how her life would have been, here, as their daughter.

“Surrogate 2.o beta”  by Dan Rako

A bad wire knocked out her emotional response circuitry. Sure, repair was possible; but now, knowing her true feelings, did I want her back?

<<polls have closed for this quarter>>

Poetry from unFold

“Finding Absence” by Allan Avidano

I have long dreamed of sailing
the pendulum of water
to where I shall not be.

“X-ray Tourism” by Eric Beeny

We go, we arrive.
“Hey, look,” you say,
“there’s something,”
an object my eyes stop at,
keeps me from seeing.

“You Won’t Listen to my Poetry on the Radio” by Howie Good

So what?
It’s filled
with words
that love
each other.

<<polls have closed for this quarter>>

 Poems/Stories in series

“Meet Your Uncles” by Tina Barry

Look kid. Daddy’s never coming back, okay? He joined the circus or something. Now if you don’t mind, “Top Chef” is on.

I know you miss Daddy, Sweetie, but save the tears for Dr. Carter. I’m not very good with the emotional stuff.

I do want to spend time with you, darling. It’s just that mommy needs time with her boyfriends, too.

The baby sitter’s name? Tiffany? Emily? Ashley? Does it matter?

“Pearl” by Nathalie Boisard-Beudin

You can tell the type of creature she used to be from the smell of sea breeze in her hair and those kelp rags she calls clothing.

She will still dance on the waves, every full moon, liquid fingers reaching out to get her, to taint her. To mark her as their own.

Her folks want to have her back just as much as we do, the lovely Pearl, glistening on my pillow. She refuses to choose a side.

If she’ll eat fish, she will belong to us, to our world, ever after. Which is why she claims to be a vegetarian.

I think she does not care for us, really. She just changed over for the love of wind and flowers. For the long walks on the beach.

3 poem series by Stephanie Joyce Wilson

“Double Bed”

your back my stomach
close loneliness
breath whistling softly
the sound of breathing
the sound
of sound

“Security Blanket”

loose threads, lumps,
almost-holes threaded together by
fabric and fuzz.

“Subway Songs”

some mutter as they
hug purses to chests, some
silently read the signs, some
read out loud, some
speak to no one

3 poem series by Jessie Carty


So diverse: bullet, liquor shot, lump of metal used in printing to space words, small mollusk, a hard blow with a fist. You.

“Due West”

The child cupped her ears as the ocean grew small. She ground her teeth as the hills rose – pressure. She would not cry

“Double Helix”

My DNA wants to write about rainbows – leprechauns + the myth of Iris =ing a perfect Halo of prismic layers fading in and out of each other.

<<polls have closed for this quarter>>

10 Comments on “Vote for 3Cheers Spring 2010

  1. Pingback: Folded Word 3Cheers Awards Nomination : Jonathan Pinnock’s Write Stuff

  2. I haven’t heard cutting one-liners like that since my parents dragged us to family therapy in 1974.


  3. such a beautiful surprise to see “(t)here” in the list – thank you for the nomination, and for organizing the 3Cheers votes + the videos!


  4. Pingback: Thursday Poem Share « Jessie Carty

  5. Pingback: Vote For Howie Good at Folded Word! « Thunderclap Press

  6. Tina Barry’s piece was profound, perfect.


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