Category: WrittenWordWednesday

Behind the Scenes of Caravan

coloring the cover of a pamphlet

Every once in awhile, the #WrittenWordWednesday column publishes work from a writer who lives in a country with restricted PayPal access. Since PayPal is the only way we can pay royalties, we have had to come up with creative ways to compensate these writers… Continue Reading “Behind the Scenes of Caravan”


desert mountains at sunrise

a tanka sequence first light of the eastern sun igniting the dust on my face: cowardice barefoot from land to land we search for pristine soil that satiates our souls bells tolling on the necks of camels this rhythm takes our deep silence to… Continue Reading “Caravan”

Naw’leans Revisited

typewriter lit by neon

It was a return trip, a bucket list type of thing. My memories had faded of this city, home of a favorite author, full of amazing architecture and wonderful food. A steamboat sung and paddled on the Mississippi, memories of the riverbank quickly replaced… Continue Reading “Naw’leans Revisited”

new moon, old ways

abstract of sunrise

six minutes after dawn to the west of moonset in rolling Pennsylvania hills a full moon eclipses in the east where sunrise burns red setting daughter passes rising mother paths cross coming and going un-blue-moon drops from jet ink heights through blazing white light… Continue Reading “new moon, old ways”

heavy snow…

snow filling stone steps

accessible version for screen readers: heavy snow the sound of a man who loves his own voice ©2019 by Michael O’Brien Michael O’Brien lives in Glasgow Scotland. He is the author of, As Adam (UP Literature), Big Nothing (Bones) and The Anabasis of Man… Continue Reading “heavy snow…”

Late One Icelandic Afternoon

Not the holiday destination but Halldór Laxness the snow-wrapped mental angst of Erlendur the misty procession of longboats off Akureyi the past, the past, always present in the now that never seems to get noticed. How many people have passed this storefront window carrying… Continue Reading “Late One Icelandic Afternoon”

Four Leafed Clover

stylized overhead photo of a woodland trail

Three, they say, is the largest number you’ll never need to count. Your eyes decide the Threeness or Unthreeness of things at a glance, along with Twoness, Oneness, Zeroality. Fourness and everything above is different, except when patterned like the spots on ladybirds and… Continue Reading “Four Leafed Clover”


colorized close up of water rippling over a rock

path between rice fields -lined with stone lanterns – bears the hotel’s new name

Evolution of the White-Throated Sparrow

close-up of snow layered with blue and yellow flames

She could have made a different choice—Her blood parts, that is, her bone parts, parts

With complicated names, syllables hugging–Packages of sound on the siding of language.


sardines swimming in a spinning school

whalesong’s bow displacement weight longing ©2019 by Ron Scully Ron Scully is a professionally retired bookseller.His first two chapbooks,Listening for 13 Blackbirds, and Darlington Braves will be published in the spring 2019. He has given up on being the Yale Younger Poet and Wimbledon,… Continue Reading “WHALESONG”